Programming   |   UI & Design   |   Post-Production   |   Acting
Joseph Howes

Thank You For Visiting!

Welcome to my personal portfolio site. In life, I'm a pretty humble person, so the vainglory you see on display here is the result of a painful process of self-marketing. I really do appreciate you taking the time to visit!

This site was built by me, entirely from scratch, in vi, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and AJAX.

I'd love it if you would drop me a line and tell me about yourself!



Episode 6: Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still

This past year I had the opportunity of a lifetime, to assist in the continuation of the most important science documentary series in television history. I spent an awestruck Christmas working alongside Corran Brownlee to realize visuals, listening to Dr. Tyson's voice.

I was called into this project by the great filmmakers The Brownlee Brothers who were contracted to do two segments for this incredible television documentary series.

Among the technical challenges were researching the atomic lattices of quartz, topaz, and kaolinite, and finding ways to model those lattices so that we could fly a camera through them.


  • Assisted Corran Brownlee with previsualization of his original concept for flying a camera into the side of Democritus' clay cup, down to a "hero" carbon atom, and then pulling back out to the superatomic world.
  • Modelled atomic lattices for topaz, quartz, and kaolinite based on research of those structures.
  • Discovered a way to represent the lattices in a way that was accurate enough to describe the rough atomic structure, but that we could fly a camera through.
  • Performed all initial keyframing and model motion.
  • Implemented Python module to accurately and procedurally represent atomic positions and bonds for the lattice structures of topaz, quartz, and kaolinite.


I have experience making corporate video, news, commericals, music videos, short films, and animation for television and the web. This short reel highlights my most recent projects.


MagnaStor is a kernel-level archival filesystem which features constant data integrity checking, automatic offsite replication, and an easy-to-use interface for administering volumes.

I was originally contracted to assist for six months to help finish work on the kernel module and start a user interface layer. This turned into a six year project, where I became a part owner of the company. I was primarily responsible for feature implementation and bug fixing, but also directed marketing efforts and technical writing.


  • Implementation of kernel code in C and MOH.
  • Implementation of server-side userland infrastructure in C and MOH.
  • Implementation of GUI elements in AJAX with JSON structured communication with the backend, and also a Java GUI with a proprietary backend protocol.
  • Built a custom ticketing system in PHP backed by PostgreSQL which we used to track issues, cover regression testing, and coordinate builds and releases.

Woodshed Supermetronome

Woodshed Supermetronome is my own practise utility for musicians, available on the App Store. Musicians use it to build click tracks with varying sounds, time signatures, tempos, and durations.


  • Implemented in Objective-C using Xcode.
  • Originally used manual reference counting, but recently learned ARC and switched the entire codebase over to it.
  • Used Instruments to test for memory leaks and performance issues.
  • Core concept was to base playback on sleep(), which turned out to be too imprecise. Researched writing directly to raw audio buffers and wrote my own abstraction layer so that absolute precision could be achieved.