Programming   |   UI & Design   |   Post-Production   |   Acting
Joseph Howes
MagnaStor Books
User Interface  &  Design


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Most of the entrepreneurial ventures I have been a part of have required me to develop many skills beyond programming. I have, for the most part, been responsible not only for UI implementation, but user experience planning and design as well.


Rollout is a massively successful custom wallpaper and design firm. They are staffed by incredibly talented artists and designers, and they have been a pleasure to work with.

Obviously, a high-end design firm has a clear vision for their own promotion, so I have not done any design or UX work on this project. My responsibilities include only infrastructure and implementation.


  • Took over development of corporate website, implemented in Django (a Python-based CMS), adding functionality and fixing bugs.
  • Wrote custom design templates for Big Cartel storefront.
  • Wrote custom navigation, slideshow, and animated reveals in jQuery and straight JavaScript.


A Very Sciencey Short

After working on Cosmos, I was inspired to create a short animation about Conway's "Game of Life" by a segment I watched on Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking. I was disappointed that whenever there is a visualization of Conway, it's always a boring old grid.

I decided to create a visualization of Conway that elevated the simulation from the world of the grid, and design cute, weird little cell-like creatures that non-scientists would pay attention to.

The short is entirely self-produced, with visuals generated in Blender, After Effects, Sony Vegas, and Photoshop, and audio recorded in Garage Band.

You can watch "Life" on my Vimeo channel.


MagnaStor is a kernel-level archival filesystem which features constant data integrity checking, automatic offsite replication, and an easy-to-use interface for administering volumes.

The interface for MagnaStor is designed to be forgotten. The user will not often create or administer volumes, so the interface is not expected to be used often. When the user does need it, they need to be able to quickly and easily perform short tasks.


  • Performed most of the implementation and maintenance of the user interface.
  • Worked with my lead and several advisors to debate about user experience details. It was ultimately my job to implement what we decided on.
  • Implemented with Java, graphics created in Adobe Photoshop.

Woodshed Supermetronome

Woodshed Supermetronome is my own practise utility for musicians, available on the App Store. Musicians use it to build click tracks with varying sounds, time signatures, tempos, and durations.


  • Clean, sparse, simple interface.
  • Users can easily build practice routines by adding and reordering "sections".
  • Self documenting interface that guides users through the process of assembling routines.

MagnaStor Books

The MagnaStor Books Project was initiated as an attempt to describe the MagnaStor kernel-level archival filesystem to a wide audience, including non-technical, semi-technical, and very technical readers.

The documentation was divided into a series of "books", each intended for a specific audience. User experience was paramount, and the specifications for colors, design, layout, and copy was exacting.

I was responsible for helping author most of the copy, and for implementing the site. The site is built with Javascript, CSS 3, and HTML. There is no jQuery used for this site, I wrote all the animation libraries from scratch.

Skills & Confidences

"Years" indicate the total number of years during which I have used the skill, not the count of years since I learned it. For example, I acquired the Java skill 19 years ago, and I have used it during 16 of those years.

Java (16 years) JavaScript (16 years) HTML (16 years) CSS (13 years) Full Stack Web Application Development (15 years) Multithreaded Processes (15 years) AJAX (4 years) jQuery (3 years) PHP (6 years) Python (2 years) Django (2 years) Objective-C (3 years) Lua (2 years) Perl (1 year) C# (4 months) Unity Game Engine (4 months) OpenGL (2 years) Web Sockets (2 weeks)